Dogs are one of the most popular pets in many parts of the world. The need to diagnose dog diseases using immunological assays is constantly
increasing. This study aims to produce anti-dog IgG antibodies from rabbits for use in immunological diagnosis in dogs. To achieve this, the
dog‘s refined IgG is used as an antigen to cause an immune response in rabbits. Specific rabbit IgG is then purified from serum by precipitation
method with 45% saturated amonium sulfate salt, protein G affinity chromatography and dog IgG affinity chromatography. The purity of rabbit
IgG reached 95.3% based on SDS-PAGE analysis. The specific activity of purified IgG is confirmed by dot blot assay. These results suggest
that rabbit anti-dog IgG antibodies produced in this study can be applied to immunological diagnosis of dog diseases