(Ferulago brachylobae-Daucetum setifolii J. López-Tirado, ass. nova from southern Spain - https://botanicaserbica.bio.bg.ac.rs/arhiva/pdf/2023_47_2_873_full.pdf) -
(Modelling the distribution of the Caucasian oak (Quercus macranthera) in Western Asia under future climate change scenarios - https://botanicaserbica.bio.bg.ac.rs/arhiva/pdf/2023_47_2_874_full.pdf) -
(The seed germination properties of two hyperaccumulator plant species with the potential for Ni agromining - https://botanicaserbica.bio.bg.ac.rs/arhiva/pdf/2023_47_2_875_full.pdf) -
(The antibacterial activity of culture filtrates and mycelia of selected strains of macromycetes from the genus Hericium - https://botanicaserbica.bio.bg.ac.rs/arhiva/pdf/2023_47_2_877_full.pdf) -
(Elicitors enhanced the production of bioactive compounds in shoot cultures of Hypericum amblysepalum - https://botanicaserbica.bio.bg.ac.rs/arhiva/pdf/2023_47_2_880_full.pdf)