Open Access Books - Social Sciences and Humanities - 2020

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  • Publication
    Scriptures, Shrines, Scapegoats, and World Politics: Religious Sources of Conflict and Cooperation in the Modern Era
    ( 2020)
    Maoz, Zeev;Henderson, Errol A.
    The effect of religious factors on politics has been a key issue since the end of the Cold War and the subsequent rise of religious terrorism. However, the systematic investigations of these topics have focused primarily on the effects of religion on domestic and international conflict. Scriptures, Shrines, Scapegoats, and World Politics offers a comprehensive evaluation of the role of religion in international relations, broadening the scope of investigation to such topics as the relationship between religion and cooperation, religion and conflict, and the relationship between religion and the quality of life. Religion is often manipulated by political elites to advance their principal goal of political survival. Zeev Maoz and Errol A. Henderson find that no specific religion is either consistently more bellicose or consistently more cooperative than other religions. However, religious similarity between states tends to reduce the propensity of conflict and increase the opportunity for security cooperation. The authors find a significant relationship between secularism and human security.
  • Publication
    Court Assistance in the Taking of Evidence in International Arbitration: Dissertation
    ( 2020)
    Raess, Lorenz ; Hürlimann, Daniel;Thommen, Marc
    Although international arbitration is widely hailed as an efficient, confidential and flexible way of settling commercial disputes, it has its limits. The arbitral tribunal’s lack of coercive power is thrown into particularly stark relief when it comes to the taking of evidence from third parties outside the arbitral proceedings. If they do not comply voluntarily with the request of the arbitral tribunal to testify as a witness or disclose documents, assistance must be sought from state courts. As the success of a case hinges on the evidence that a party can obtain, it is crucial to understand how to obtain evidence through state courts. At the heart of this work is the question of the conditions under which state courts may offer assistance in international arbitral proceedings. With a special focus on Switzerland and comparative aspects, this book provides helpful tactical insights for arbitral practitioners around the world.
  • Publication
    The INF Treaty of 1987: A Reappraisal (Edition 1)
    ( 2020)
    Juntunen, Tapio;Gassert, Philipp;Blanton, Thomas;Wenkel, Christian;Granieri, Ronald J.;Jarząbek, Wanda;Bange, Oliver;Richter, Wolfgang;Geiger, Tim;Kemper, Claudia;Wentker, Hermann;Savranskaya, Svetlana;Greiner, Bernd;Kühn, Ulrich;Barton, Oliver;Fischer, Beth A. ; Gassert, Philipp;Wentker, Hermann;Geiger, Tim
    Der von Ronald Reagan und Michail Gorbatschow am 8. Dezember 1987 unterzeichnete »Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty«, kurz INF-Vertrag, stellte einen Meilenstein der nuklearen Abrüstungsverhandlungen zwischen den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika und der Sowjetunion dar. Im Jahr 2019 wurde er von Russland und den USA gekündigt. Der englischsprachige Band untersucht die Vorgeschichte des Abkommens, dessen Implementierung und Folgen sowohl in den beiden Supermächten als auch in den mit ihnen verbündeten Staaten. Er ist damit die erste umfassende Darstellung eines der wichtigsten Abrüstungsabkommen der jüngsten Zeit.
  • Publication
    Terrorizing Images: Trauma and Ekphrasis in Contemporary Literature
    ( 2020)
    Ivan Armstrong, Charles;Langas, Unni
    This book combines two focal points: trauma and ekphrasis. It responds to the recognition of how terrorizing images permeate the public sphere in connection with traumatic experiences and conflicts and emphasizes the ways in which such images are described and interpreted by words. Contributors analyze the use of verbally represented images in a variety of literary texts, written in several different languages.
  • Publication
    Governing Social Protection in the Long Term: Social Policy and Employment Relations in Australia and New Zealand
    ( 2020)
    Ramia, Gaby
    This open access book examines the comparative evolution of social protection in Australia and New Zealand from 1890 to the present day, focusing on the relationship between employment relations and social policy. Utilising longstanding and more recent developments in historical institutionalist methodology, Ramia investigates the relationship between these two policy domains in the context of social protection theory. He argues that treating employment relations as dynamic, and as inextricably intertwined with changes in the welfare state over time, allows for more accurate portrayal of similarity and difference in social protection. The book will be of most interest to researchers, advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students in social policy, employment relations, public policy, social and political history, and comparative politics.