Journal Articles - Business and Management - 2023

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  • Publication
    Green supply chain, green leadership, consumer preferences, sustainability attitudes, and sustainable business advantage: a case of Vietnamese textile industry
    ( 2023)
    Ka Yin Chau
    Chen-Hsien Lin
    Purevdulam Altantsetseg
    Bushra Tufail
    Thi Ha An Pham
    Tran Thai Ha Nguyen
    "Surging environmental issues confiscate stakeholders’ attention due to growing competition. Sustainable performance in this regard is viewed as a suitable tool because it not only gauges firm’s financial performance but also covers social and environmental areas. However, sustainable performance cannot be achieved without creating sustainable business advantage. Green supply chain practices are known to be implemented in terms of sustainability as they are cross-looped as well as cross-organizational. The practices help in the reduction of environmental impact of business activities without compromising on quality, performance, cost, and energy usage efficiency. The reason encourages the authors to explore the role of selected green supply chain factors, customer preference, and leadership factors in shaping sustainable business advantage. The study has examined the association by adopting the quantitative research method. The researcher has gathered data from 530 employees in the purchasing department, logistics, import/export officers, and packing staff. The data was analyzed statistically by employing SPSS for preliminary analysis and AMOS for testing the structural model and the hypotheses of the study. Using confirmatory factors analysis and structural equational modeling, the researcher has analyzed the study’s measurement model and the hypotheses of the study. The findings of the research have depicted that there is a significant positive impact of lean management and green product design with sustainable business advantage. Moreover, there exists a mediation of customer preferences and leadership factors between green product design and sustainable business advantage. The study has a few limitations as well and uses a quantitative method; therefore, the study has recommended that future researchers utilize qualitative or mixed methods. The study has several theoretical and practical implications"
  • Publication
    "The Nexus between Corporate Performance and State Ownership in Vietnam: Evidence of State Ownership’s Inverted U-Shape and Provincial Business Environment Influences"
    ( 2023)
    Tran Thai Ha Nguyen, Susilo Nur Aji Cokro Darsono, Gia Quyen Phan, Pham Thi Hong Van, Huyen Bach Thi, Sobar M. Johari.
    "The level of state ownership in corporations is still a controversial topic because of its duality: on the one hand, it brings resource advantages, and on the other hand, it causes agency problems. Thus, our study aims to investigate the relationship between state ownership and corpo rate performance within the Vietnamese context, unraveling the impacts of state ownership’s non linear and provincial business environment. Analyzing financial data spanning over a decade from 359 listed corporations on the Vietnamese stock markets (2010–2021), our empirical findings derived through the General Method of Moments (GMM) reveal that state ownership emerges as a potent “strategic asset” with a positive influence on corporate performance. However, a critical point is identified when state ownership surpasses the threshold of 32 percent and a decline in corporate performance ensues—a confirmation of an inverted U-shaped impact. These results substantiate the necessity of the equitization process and underscore the imperative of judiciously managing state ownership in Vietnam. Notably, our study unveils a more critical dimension: the enhanced provin cial business environment bolsters corporate performance and amplifies the positive impact of state ownership. Thus, a strategic dual approach is suggested to improve corporate performance: im proving the business environment and recalibrating the percentage of state shareholders. Our study serves as empirical evidence, referencing Vietnam and other transitional economies, toward man nerly policy decision-making related to state ownership and the business environment to boost cor porate performance. "
  • Publication
    Do Bank Funding Diversity and Bank Lending Affect Net Interest Margins? Evidence From Asia Markets Before and During the Covid-19 Pandemic
    ( 2023)
    Khoa Dang Duong, Hoi Vu Le, Duy Nhat Vu, Ai Ngoc Nhan Le
    This paper investigates how bank funding diversity and lending affect bank performance, especially during the Covid-19 pan demic. We employ the Generalized Method of Moments to analyze unbalanced panels of commercial banks in China, Taiwan, and Vietnam. The empirical results show that a percentage increase in bank funding diversity and bank lending in the sample negatively affects profitability. In contrast, the results are mixed in each country due to different market microstructures. While holding diversified funding strengthens bank profitability during the pandemic, increasing lending activities dampers the bank’s performance. Finally, this research has important implications for bank managers and regulators to develop sustainable banking performance in emerging markets, especially during pandemics.
  • Publication
    "Foreign Ownership, Investor Attention and the Risk-Taking Behavior of Property and Casualty Insurance Firms: Evidence From Vietnam"
    ( 2023)
    Hoang Tien Nguyen, Ai Ngoc Nhan Le, Quang Thu Luu, Ngoc Thi Thanh Nguyen, Khoa Dang Duong
    "This study enriches the current literature because it is the first to examine how foreign ownership and Investor attention affect the risk-taking behaviors of property and casualty insurance companies in Vietnam. This study is unique because it tests whether foreign ownership moderates the relationship between investor attention and the risk-taking behavior of insurance firms or vice versa. This study employs the Random Effect Models, Generalized Least Squares, Johnson-Neyman test, and simple slope analy ses to analyze 28 property and casualty insurance companies from 2010 to 2022. The findings indicate that foreign ownership and investor attention increases the risk-taking behaviors of insurance firms. Moreover, the findings indicate that foreign owner ship moderates the relationship between investor attention and the risk-taking behavior of insurance firms in Vietnam. The find ings align with agency theory, stakeholder theory, limited attention theory, and prior literature. This study supports managers and policymakers in developing the insurance sector sustainably, especially in emerging markets."
  • Publication
    "Towards understanding climate change: Impact of land use indices and drainage on land surface temperature for valley drainage and non-drainage areas "
    ( 2023)
    Sherif A. Abu El-Magd, Ahmed M. Masoud, Hassan Soltan Hassan, Nguyet Minh Nguyen, Quoc Bao Pham, Nils H. Haneklaus, Mark W. Hlawitschka, Ali Maged.
    The continuous increase of urbanization and industrialization brought various climatic changes, leading to global warming. The unavailability of meteorological data makes remotely sensed data important for understanding climate change. Therefore, the land surface temperature (LST) is critical in understanding global climate changes and related hydrological processes. The main objective of this work is to explore the dominant drivers of land use and hydrologic indices for LST in drainage and non-drainage areas. Specifically, the relationship between LST changes, land use, and hydrologic indices in Northeast Qena, Egypt, was investigated. The Landsat 5 and 8 imagery, Geographic Information System (GIS), and R-package were applied to identify the change detection during 2000–2021. The normalized difference between vegetation index (NDVI), bare soil index (BSI), normalized difference built-up, built-up index (BUI), modified normalized difference water index (MNDWI), and soil-adjusted vegetation index (SAVI) were employed. The non-drainage or mountain areas were found to be more susceptible to high LST values. The comprehensive analysis and assessment of the spatiotemporal changes of LST indicated that land use and hydrologic indices were driving factors for LST changes. Considerably, LST retrieved from the Landsat imaginary showed significant variation between the maximum LST during 2000 (44.82◦C) and 2021 (50.74◦C). However, NDBI has got less spread during the past (2000) with 10–13%. A high negative correlation was observed between the LST and NDVI, while the SAVI and LST positively correlated. The results of this study provide relevant information for environmental planning to local management authorities.