Journal Articles - Engineering Technology - 2023


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  • Publication
    Graphene Metasurface Inspired Cyanide Detecting Sensor With Encoding Capabilities of Two, Three, and Four Bits
    ( 2023)
    "Shobhit K. Patel , Senior Member, IEEE, Jaymit Surve , Graduate Student Member, IEEE, Mya Mya Htay , Osamah Alsalman , Juveriya Parmar , and Truong Khang Nguyen , Senior Member, IEEE"
    In this article, we have proposed graphene metasurfaces capable of achieving an encoding of 4 bits. A graphene metasurface placed over a glass substrate is presented. The proposed graphene metasurface can also be applied for the detection of sodium cyanide (NaCN), potassium cyanide (KCN), and hydrogen cyanide (HCN). The detection capacity of all three graphene metasurface sensor (GMSS) structures has been investigated and the structure with higher functionality has been identified. In addition, the device as a sensor has been investigated based on several parameters, and it has been observed that the proposed device generates comparatively higher results. The proposed device has multifunctionality and can be employed either as a sensor or as an encoder. We claim that this is the first graphene metasurface inspired 4-bit encoding device as per the best of our knowledge and can be employed in various applications. The anti-counterfeiting, dynamic information encryption, information authentication, optical data storage, and other related fields stand to benefit greatly from the proposed tunable GMSS and its information encryption and anticounterfeiting applications.
  • Publication
    A multi-physical coupling isogeometric formulation for nonlinear analysis and smart control of laminated CNT-MEE plates
    ( 2023)
    Duy Khuong Ly, Ho Nam Vu, Chanachai Thongchom, Trung Nguyen Thoi
    This paper presents a novel and comprehensive numerical approach for nonlinear analysis and smart damping control in laminated functionally graded carbon nanotube reinforced magneto-electro-elastic (FG-CNTMEE) plate structures, taking into account multiple physical fields. The approach employs a multi-physical coupling isogeometric formulation based on Non-Uniform Rational Basis Spline (NURBS) to analyze the behavior of laminated FG-CNTMEE plate structures. It incorporates a refined zig-zag theory to accurately capture the Von Kármán nonlinear strain–displacement relationship, as well as the magneto-electro-elastic coupling properties of laminate layers. To achieve nonlinear damped responses, the smart constrained layer damping (SCLD) treatment is applied. Furthermore, to enable smart control of structures using the time-dependent passive/semi active damping mechanism of viscoelastic materials, the formulation is transformed into the Laplace domain using the Golla–Hughes–McTavish model. The results are then converted back to the time domain through inverse techniques. The proposed approach has been rigorously validated through verification work and demonstrated its effectiveness in simulating and controlling FG-CNTMEE plates in two numerical examples.
  • Publication
    ( 2023)
    Khoa Dang NguyeN, Anh Thi Hoang Tran, Noor Haida Mohd Kaus
    "1 Geopolymer-based industrial waste as red mud (RM) was successfully obtained in the presence of different loadings of rice husk ash (RHA). During the preparation, the added amounts of RHA in the geopolymer composition were varied from 10 to 50 % when the mass ratio of binder solution (Na2SiO3) and activated alkali-metal solution (NaOH 7 M) were 2.5 and the curing condition was fixed at 333 K within 24 h. For characterization, the surface morphology was evaluated by scanning electron microscope (SEM) equipped with the energy-dispersive X-ray, which detected the distri bution of elements before and after the geopolymerization. To indicate the formation of geopolymer, Fourier– transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) was used. The effect of the loading amounts of RHA on the Brunauer– Emmett Teller (BET) surface area value and Barrett– Joyner–Halenda (BJH) pore size of the obtained geo polymers were determined using a nitrogen gas adsorption instrument. In the bromocresol-green (BG) adsorption performed at pH 2, the higher addition of RHA in the geopolymer composition enhanced the adsorption capaci ties within 180 minutes. In addition, the adsorption behav ior of the mixed geopolymer to BG fits well the Langmuir model, indicating that the adsorption occurs on the homo geneous monolayer surface of geopolymer. From this study, the RHA could be a natural potential filler to im prove the BG-uptake of RM-based geopolymer in waste water treatment."