Inter-Frame Based Interpolation for Top–Bottom Packed Frame of 3D Video

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Phan Van Duc
Phu Tran Tin
Anh Vu Le
Nguyen Huu Khanh Nhan
Mohan Rajesh Elara
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The frame-compatible packing for 3D contents is the feasible approach to archive the compatibility with the existing monocular broadcasting system. To perceive better 3D quality, the packed 3D frames are expanded to the full size at the decoder. In this paper, an interpolation technique enhancing and comparing the quality of enlarged halt vertical left and right stereo video in the top–bottom frame-compatible packing is presented. To this end, the appropriate interpolation modes from fourteen available modes for each row segment, which exploit the correlation between left and right stereoscopic as well as current and adjacent frames of individual view, are estimated at the encoder. Based on the information received from the encoder, at the decoder, the interpolation scheme can select the most appropriate available original data to find the missing values of to-be-discarded row segments. The proposed method outperformed than the state-of-the-art interpolation methods in terms of subjective visualization and numerical PSNRs and SSMI about 11%, with an execution time of about 12% comparisons.
3D frame packing, interpolation, 3D compression, 3D video broadcasting