Development of a concept for Over The Air Programming of Sensor Nodes

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" Jayaram, Anantha Ramakrishna"
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"Nowadays, wireless sensor networks can be found in many new application areas. In these sensor networks there may exit a part of the network which are difficult to access or lie in a wide area, far apart. A change in the software (e.g., function update or bug fix) can entail reprogramming of all sensor nodes. This is very time consuming and labour intensive, if the patching has to be done manually for each individual sensor nodes. In the area of mobile phones, the over the air (OTA) update function has been established very well with good reliability. In embedded systems such as sensor nodes, where resources are severely restricted, an update cannot be stored but must be programmed directly with the transfer. For this to be possible, a lot of basic functionality is needed to be established to correct errors or to be able to resume a failed programming. Within the framework of this thesis a concept for the transmission and distribution of the firmware and programming the sensor node is established. Focus here is to optimize the use of resources and to provide basic functionality within the programming mode."
"Publisher: TU Chemnitz, Fakultät für Informatik ; Source: ; Level: Master"
Drahtlose Sensornetzwerke, Sensorprogrammierung, Sensorknoten, sensor node, ddc:004, Informatik, Sensor, Netzwerk, Programmierung