Everyday Life on Planet Jedward: Thinking of John and Edward Grimes. On Everyday Life as a Jedward fan. " Tipping-Ball, Bethany-Alicia" 2024-01-30T01:43:34Z 2024-01-30T01:43:34Z 2015
dc.description Publisher: Linköpings universitet ; Source: ; Level: Bachelor
dc.description.abstract Identical twins John and Edward Grimes (artist name "Jedward") have been active for six years and have a heterogeneous following of fans. This thesis aims to investigate how and in which situations fans think about Jedward as part of their everyday life. Each of the three informants, plus the author, kept diaries recording the above for the course of one week. The diaries were subsequently coded into the groups Traditional Fandom, Social Media, Music, Places, Family & Friends, Interests & Hobbies, Studies, Film & TV and Food & Drink respectively. Auto-ethnographic method was implemented and combined with work within the spheres of fandom and music. At a later date informants were asked if there are any products or causes that they associate with John and Edward; in lieu of comprehensive answers, the author compiled such a list. For the fours fans taking part, John and Edward are experienced as being close to them in many different situations during their day-to-day lives, in much the same way as a close friend or loved one. The conclusion is that through aiming to portray my own interpretation of fandom, it has been possible to see just how creative and imaginative fans are, an enlightening reflection contrary to those which in many cases have been none too positive
dc.language.iso en_US
dc.subject Autoethnography
dc.subject Jedward Everyday Life
dc.subject Fandom Studies
dc.subject Qualitative Research Methods
dc.title Everyday Life on Planet Jedward: Thinking of John and Edward Grimes. On Everyday Life as a Jedward fan.
dc.type Resource Types::text::thesis::bachelor thesis
dspace.entity.type Publication #PLACEHOLDER_PARENT_METADATA_VALUE#
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