Energy-Efficient Approaches in Industrial Applications
Energy-Efficient Approaches in Industrial Applications
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Murat Eyvaz, Abdulkerim Gok, Ebubekir Yüksel (Editor)
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A large amount of energy is consumed in the industry to meet the power needed for production processes. In order to meet the heat and mechanical power needs required for many industrial processes, natural gas, petroleum fuel, and electricity are mostly used as energy sources. In addition to the efficient use of energy in order to reduce operating costs in industrial applications, alternatives such as efficient use of energy for conservation of resources and climate, energy recovery, renewable energy preferences, and energy production from wastes are becoming more common. With proper energy management, it is possible to increase energy efficiency independently of the size of the industry and the technologies used in the process. The development of new alternatives for energy efficiency and saving is crucial to meet the growing world energy needs and to compete effectively with fossil fuels and thus reduce greenhouse gases. This small book is a collection of research and reviewed chapters dealing with energy-efficient materials and strategies in different conditions.The Editors would like to record their sincere thanks to the authors for their contributions.
Description - 86 pages - IntechOpen
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