Design of the double pass solar collector for drying

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Duy Tue Nguyen
Tri Nhut Do
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Solar energy is the free and nearly endless source which can be applied in various fields. Viet Nam locates near the equation and has enormous solar radiation, so this is the good chance for us to harness it. Moreover, Viet Nam is also the agricultural country with the large number of export product. With the large advantage in having enormous solar radiation, we can save up the large amount of energy for drying and other applications. In this paper, the 2 double pass solar collectors which have fins and without fins for drying were designed and simulated by CFD Ansys in some different conditions. The result displays that with the same size, the outlet temperature of the solar collectors with fins is 2 times higher than the without fins one. This temperature can reach 94.6oC with solar radiation 1026.32W/m2, mass flow rate 0.12kg/s and can reach 68.63oC with the same radiation and mass flow rate 0.18kg/s, so it is eligible for agricultural drying