Digital fashion - An optimal solution for fashion industry during Covid-19 pandemic

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Nhut Tran Minh
Ha Ngo Ngan
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The Covid-19 epidemic has negatively impacted many industries around the world; the fashion industry is no exception. However, the business activities of the high-end fashion field have found virtual solutions to maintain operations by new technology platforms, which help improve the customer’s access to the fashion brand. This paper identifies digital fashion as the most optimal solution not only in the present time but also further in the future of the fashion industry, by collecting the methods, software and tools that many fashion brands have used since 2020 and predicting that the technology industry will explode in the following years. Through analyzing and synthesizing the effectiveness of the software applications that fashion designers have used, the study presents design trends that use technology as a platform to reality clothes on computer screens, clothes that look real without the use of sewing machines and fabrics. These results provide an overview of how top brands communicate, operate and control the fashion industry in the context of the Covid-19 epidemic. On the other side, it helps expand design knowledge and thinking for countries with a growing fashion industry. In general, digital fashion is a fast, convenient, useful and effective transformation and connection between many fashion departments, design and business in the era of industry 4.0
"Knowledge, Industry, Diseases and conditions, Software engineering"